Monday, August 23, 2010

Religion and Society

Question: Is modern society secularizing? Why or why not?
My thoughts: Many people report, as described in our text, that they attended church as children but now no longer do so. This may lead one to conclude that modern society is secularizing. I do not think that modern society is secularizing. Rather, I would emphasize that membership in religious organizations has increased since the founding of the U.S. Religious affiliation has increased, though attendance at tradiational church services has decreased. This shows not greater secularism but greater individualism and perhaps greater pluralism in the practice of religion. People still seek religious experiences and fulfillment beyond the material world, but the tendency is now to look toward non-traditional and highly personalized methods of obtaining such experiences.

Question: What do you think is the appropriate role of religion in government?
My thoughts: I think that we should always respect the freedom of religion that is preserved in the Bill of Rights. This freedom of religion, however, is not challenged by simple expressions of theism, such as that found in the pledge of allegiance, that are part of our nation's historical context. In fact, freedom of religion does not mean that religion must be eliminated from public life and discussion. It only means that the individual is free to practice the religion of his or her choice!

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